Frequently Asked Questions
CAPS Services
If you are an undergraduate student enrolled at UNM you can use CAPS! Whether you are taking courses in person on the main campus or online, you can use our various services to help you be successful in your academics. Unfortunately, only enrolled students can use our services. As an alternative, CAPS highly recommends the use of its online services, through which tutoring is available from any computer with an Internet connection. One good place for parents with children seeking to access these services from on campus is the family-friendly computer pod at the UNM Women’s Resource Center.
CAPS is free and requires no registration! If you are an undergraduate student at UNM you can inquire with a Student Resource Representatives at all CAPS locations about what services and locations would be best for your needs. All students must either have their Lobo ID card or know their Banner ID number when using CAPS services. You can also check our hours and subjects here.
Cancellations may be made up until the time of the appointment. If you do not cancel the scheduled appointment and are unable to attend it is considered a “no show”. After 3 'No-Shows' scheduled appointments may be restricted.
Online Tutoring
There are many ways in which students can receive online learning assistance from CAPS! In addition to all of our in-person services, we offer a variety of online services to meet the needs of online, distance, non-traditional, and general undergraduate students. Below is a brief listing and summary of each of our online tutoring programs.
- The Online Learning Center (OLC) allows students to receive support in a wide range of tutor in a synchronous (live), chat-like format. Each OLC room features powerful shared whiteboards and the ability to communicate with a peer tutor via text, audio, or video-based chat. The hours for OLC are typically held in the evenings (5:00-10:00 pm, Sunday through Thursday), allowing non-traditional students the ability to connect with a tutor at times that are convenient for them.
- Embedded Online Tutoring (EOT) is an optional service that faculty members can request to be added as a component of their online courses. Requests for an Embedded Online Tutor should be submitted to the CAPS or New Media and Extended Learning (NMEL) staff one semester prior to the start of the class. Once an EOT has been assigned to a course, he or she hosts weekly review sessions, develops message board engagement, and serves as a resource to the students in that course.
- The Online Writing Lab (OWL) provides students with assistance in any writing assignment. Our tutors can help your students with structure, style, format, grammar, and thesis organization. Please note that we do not simply proofread papers. In fact, we do not do any proofreading at all! Rather, we coach students on the foundations of excellent writing.
Please contact Dayra Fallad-Mendoza, Program Specialist for Online Tutoring, questions regarding the CAPS Online Tutoring Program. We are constantly looking at ways to improve the quality of and access to our online tutoring services. Faculty input is welcomed and encouraged.
Requests for an Embedded Online Tutor should be submitted to Dayra Fallad-Mendoza, Program Specialist for Online Tutoring, or New Media and Extended Learning (NMEL) staff one semester prior to the start of the class. Once an EOT has been assigned to a course, he or she hosts weekly review sessions, develops message board engagement, and serves as a resource to the students in that course.
CAPS provides Embedded Online Tutors (EOT) in nearly 40 individual courses each semester! Visit our EOT page to see if your course has an EOT in it. If it does, contact information for your Embedded Online Tutor can be found by clicking on CAPS Tutor Online in the Course Tools menu section of Blackboard Learn. For additional information, ask your instructor, refer to your course syllabus or contact CAPS at (505) 277-7205.
Embedded Online Tutors assist students in online classes in the same way that our face-to-face tutors help students taking face-to-face classes! We provide students with assistance in:
- Understanding the course material
- Answering questions
- Highlighting resources
- Conducting test reviews
- Developing critical thinking skills
- Facilitating discussion board conversations
- In addition to the support that your specific EOT provides, CAPS also offers students access to our other online services including the Online Learning Center (OLC), Online Writing Lab (OWL), and CAPS Digital Archives!
Contact information for your Embedded Online Tutor can be found by clicking on CAPS Tutor link in the Course Tools menu section of UNM Learn. See the image below for an example of what the link looks like in the Learn system. For additional information, ask your instructor, refer to your course syllabus or contact CAPS at
Writing Support
You must be a UNM student enrolled in an undergraduate course. You may submit academic papers that are required for a UNM course or degree requirement. In addition, you may submit pieces of application writing, such as résumés or cover letters. In addition, it would be helpful to attach the assignment prompt along with the writing itself. Papers must be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc), Text (.txt), or Rich-Text (.rtf) format.
We tailor our feedback to address the concerns that you identify as being your highest priority when you submit your paper. In general, the feedback on OWL submissions provided by the tutor will concentrate on the deeper-level issues of your writing, such as the content, organization, and focus of your topic rather than on such features as grammar, punctuation and spelling. While we won't correct or "fix" your paper for you, we will provide strategies and approaches for how to improve your paper. If you have specific concerns with the writing, please indicate them in the field provided on the form below.
Under normal circumstances, your undergraduate paper will be reviewed and returned to you within 48 business hours, Monday through Friday. That is, if you submit a paper on Friday afternoon, you can expect a response by the end of the day on Tuesday. Please check the CAPS Calendar for holidays or special occasions that may delay the return of your work. We accept submissions in English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Greek, Navajo, Portuguese, and Russian.
We do not limit the number of papers that a student can submit to the OWL. We welcome students to use the OWL as a often as possible, including submitting multiple revisions of the same paper. You are also encouraged to ask questions about your feedback and start a dialog with the tutor who reviewed your paper.
STEM Tutoring Program
The mission of the CAPS STEM Tutoring program is to provide an interactive, collaborative peer tutoring environment that encourages students to ask questions, take ownership of their education, and experience individual success in the math and science core curriculum.