Graduate Online Writing Lab

The Graduate Online Writing Lab (GrOWL) is managed by the Graduate Resource Center (GRC) and we ask that you only submit graduate papers through this page. If you would like to submit papers for undergraduate courses, please visit the CAPS Online Writing Lab (OWL).

The Graduate Resource Center (GRC) also offers individual appointments for discussing and receiving feedback on writing and research projects. Schedule appointments by emailing us at


You may submit:

  • Academic papers that are required for a UNM course or degree requirement
  • Application writing such as cover letters/personal statements and resumes/CVs
  • Statistics and data analysis work for courses or research

Submissions to the GrOWL must be 5,000 words or less. Tutors will help with structure, style, format, grammar, and thesis organization. GRC consultants will not proofread papers.

In addition:

    • You must be a registered UNM student to use this service.
    • Papers must be in one of the following formats: Microsoft Word (.doc), Text (.txt), or Rich-Text (.rtf).
    • Statistics work can also be submitted as images or Excel files.

Turnaround Time

Under normal circumstances, your graduate paper of 5,000 words or less will be reviewed and returned to you within 72 hours (3 working days), Monday through Thursday. Please check the UNM Academic Calendar for holidays or special occasions that may delay the return of your work.

Notice for affiliates:

This form requires that you use your NetID login (e.g. rather than your ID login. If you do not know your NetID, please follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Call the UNM Helpdesk and explain that you need your NetID, and they will provide it after verification.
  2. Log into and search for yourself, or search your name in the UNM Outlook application.

Please email us at for any form questions or issues.

The GrOWL is closed for Summer Break. CAPS Graduate Online Writing Lab services will cease on May 7th and will return on summer term.

Sunday, 2025/01/19 - The Graduate Online Writing Lab is currently experiencing technical issues. Your patience is appreciated while we work to correct the issue.